Faba Beans
From Canada to Nepal:
This paper was written to explore and evaluate the potential idea of exporting faba beans to Nepal to aid in their agriculture industry. It is sectioned into two main parts. The first section introduces faba beans and how they relate to Canada. The second section introduces Nepal and how the faba beans will be transported and received.
Faba Beans
A faba bean is a type of broad bean that is also referred to as a fava bean, legume, or pulse crop. There are two main types of faba beans; tannin, and zero tannin. Those that contain tannin can be consumed only by humans, while those without tannin can be consumed by humans, and or livestock (Pearson, 2015). When it comes to nutrients faba beans are a primary source of protein, starch, and fiber (Pearson, 2015). This becomes an important factor when comparing faba beans to the other crops that Nepal might currently be growing. Considering that faba beans can be consumed by both human and livestock, the nutrients in these beans can be beneficial to the Nepalese people and their livestock, serving an overall dual purpose in the community.
Nepal is located in South Central Asia in between China and India (CBS, 2014b). It encompasses approximately 147 000 km2 of land and is composed of 3 main ecological zones; Mountains, Hills, and Terai with temperatures ranging from arctic to tropical. (CBS, 2014b). The population in Nepal is approximately 31,327,341, out of that number, around 50% populate the Terai land base, 43% in the Hills, and 7% in the Mountain areas (CBS, 2014a).
​With a current population of around 30 million people, 41% of children under 5 years of age live with stunted growth, and 29% are underweight (USAID, 2016). The children are being hit the hardest with malnutrition and if it is not looked after the population of Nepal will slowly start to decrease.